Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Heart Of Me

: )

last night I watched Juno and I love that movie.

not much to say really because it's still early in the day.. right now I'm waiting for scott to get off work and bring home lunch... braums bag of burgers for $5.. one of our favorite things to eat together =] I think roxy likes it too because she always gets the 5th burger hehe! and they really have such tasty french fries : ) : )

my mom sent my tripod with some other things from home like over a week ago and it's STILL not here. usually packages only take three days.. so I have been tripodless all this time!!! it takes twice as long to get a good shot without it. I appreciate that silly piece of metal and plastic so much more now. hopefully it will be here soon...

I am so hungry!

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